Calvert County Democratic Women's Club |
| What the Democratic Party Means to Me Though our democracy is built upon the beauty of inclusivity of all opinions, today, the value of other opinions has been slandered. The ignorant cannot accept that the world is made of a variety of opinions, and this blend of ideas creates progress. Our founding fathers did not establish a world where we all have the same voice, but a nation where all voices will be valued and respected. To me, the democratic party means restoring this balance of respect in our government without the sacrifice of our rights and the rights of our planet. One of the ideologies of the democratic party is the mutual respect we have for other morals and identities. We do not judge our brothers and sisters based upon their faith or sexual orientation, but by their character. We fight to ensure their voices are heard and respected, for basic human rights cannot be denied for any reason. Across the world, many LGTBIA and minority religions are oppressed and cannot express themselves outside of their homes. The actions taken by our democratic leaders helps to enact laws and promote the importance of acceptance and tolerance of all values and opinions, ensuring these rights of individuality cannot be taken away under the oath of the Constitution. The democratic party also serves to restore our planet. There is no denying that over the past century, human activities have impeded on the natural world. President Donald Trump has passed a variety of laws that have severely impacted the environment. These laws can cause for our children and future generations to live in a world where the air is no longer safe to breathe, and the beauties of the natural world will only exist in textbooks. Though many believe the local actions against global warning are insignificant, these small changes can drastically help protect the environment from irreversible damage. Specifically, we need to ensure that we protect the Chesapeake Bay from further damage (following Trump's proposed budget cut to the Chesapeake Bay program). The small victories we make locally can lead to our victory over global warming. |